The Bible and Science Articles

Darkness Was Upon the Face of the Deep An explanation for the darkness that covered the young Earth as written in Genesis 1:2.

Let Dry Ground Appear In Genesis 1, God calls forth the dry land to appear from beneath the waters. Is this Biblical claim compatible with current scientific beliefs?

A Watery World – Let The Dry Land Appear The Biblical Creation Story describes a very young Earth that was completely inundated by water. Can science corroborate this claim?

The Bible and the Environment God gives mankind the responsibility to subdue the Earth. Have we acted wisely in our environmental responsibility?

Without Form And Void 4.5 billion years ago, the young Earth was a turbulent, desolate world – formless and empty of life. Only God could bring order to the chaos.

The Spirit of God Hovered Over the Water  In the beginning of the Biblical Creation story (Genesis 1:2), the Spirit of God hovered over the water of the Earth. Is God seeding the Earth with the building blocks of life?

Green Plants for Food – the Original Biblical Vegetarian Diet  God gives humanity every seed-bearing plant or green plant for food. The original Biblical diet designed for us was vegetarian.

Science As An Apologetic Tool Using science to bring people to God.

A Day-Age Creation Theory – (Published by the Y Files Article #Y137)
A complete Day-Age Biblical Creation theory.

The Origin of Life on Planet Earth – (Published by Evidence for God from Science)
Because life’s origin on planet Earth is part of a process that is far more complex than originally believed, God’s role in our creation can not be disregarded

Holy Scripture Supported by Modern Science – (Appears in Sword and Spirit and The Sabbath Sentinel) Biblical verses that are supported by modern science.

The Biblical Principles of Reproduction and Speciation – (Appears in Old Earth Ministries) Animal propogation and speciation are Biblically supported natural processes.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy – (Appears in Old Earth Ministries)
An analysis of the Second Law of Thermodynamics and its implication for a young Earth.

A Case for Intelligent Design – (Appears in NewCreationism.OrgSword and SpiritNcubator Christian Articles, and The complex and intelligent design of our universe, our origins, and life on Earth may lead science to the existence of God.

Death Through Sin – (Appears in Old Earth Ministries and Sword and Spirit)
The Bible’s Story of Original Sin and the Inception of Physical Death in Eden

The Biblical Creation Days of Genesis – (Appeared in Sword and Spirit)
Analysis of the original days of Creation. Just how long were those seven days?

The Creative Power of God God’s enormous power to create as described in the Bible may substantiate His actual existence.

Created in the Image and Likeness of God – (Appeared in
What it means to be created in the image and likeness of God.

The Conflicting Biblical Creation Accounts The first two stories of the Holy Bible are in not in conflict.